Vienna Nightlife Guide: Bars, Clubs & Tips

The hippest nightlife districts of Vienna. Bars, clubs, restaurants and general tips for a vibrant night in Vienna's scene.

What Do I Need to Know?

Vienna is a cosmopolitan city! Even if the nightlife can't quite keep up with that of metropolises like London or Berlin, it's still fun and exciting. Behind its artistic and cultural heritage, Vienna also hides a young soul that shows up in its vibrant nightlife. 

There are places to go out for every budget: from cozy and inexpensive pubs to classy trendy bars to outrageously expensive nightclubs. Most venues are open daily year-round, but some open-air clubs only open in the summer.

Vienna is a destination for fans of electronic music and although the clubs can be described as small, the quality is top-notch. If you don't like discos, you can go to a bar with live music, a pub, a tavern or to a classical concert.

Nightlife Tips

  • Opening Times: Vienna doesn't sleep! From sunset until the early hours of the morning. 
  • Nightlife Districts: Bermuda Triangle, Stadtbahn arches, Mariahilf and Neubau
  • Prices: European prices apply. 

Heurigen and Beisl: Heurigen are typical pubs in Vienna run by winegrowers, mostly on the outskirts, with wine from their own production and agricultural products.


Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is located in the heart of the historic center, near the Danube Canal.

This area used to be dedicated to the textile trade, but since the early 1980s with the opening of the Krah-Krah pub in the style of old Austrian taverns, it has become increasingly popular.

Today this area is very lively and frequented by locals and tourists until late at night thanks to the many clubs and pubs with good beer, local cuisine and live music.

Around St. Stephen's Cathedral, Graben, and Kärnterstraße there are some more exclusive restaurants. Examples include the Schwarzer Kameel, founded in 1618, Sky Bar, and Loos Bar. 

light rail arches

Light Rail Arches

At first glance, not exactly the most picturesque place in Vienna. A busy street with rails for a train on the arches in the middle.

For more than 100 years, the underground line U6 has been running on the arches, and right below there are music venues between the Thaliastrasse and Nussdorfer Strasse stations.

The loud music drowns out the heavy traffic noise, bands and DJs can really step on the gas, all night long in summer.

6th district Mariahilf and 7th district Neubau

Mariahilf-6th District and Neubau-7th District

The most famous market in Vienna, Naschmarkt, is an area with a very lively nightlife. 
Here you will find numerous cafes, trendy restaurants and bars, which are frequented by many locals. A multicultural society is looking for variety away from the big clubs and discotheques.

A young bar scene has also developed in the Neubau district around the museum district, and there is always something going on here from breakfast until late at night.

Prater Beisl bis Praterdome

Prater: Beisl to Praterdome

Prater and the surrounding area also offer a lively nightlife. The Praterdome on Riesenrad is Austria's largest discotheque, offering a spectacular laser show on 2 levels and 4 dance floors.

The Pratersauna is one of the trendiest techno and electro clubs in Vienna with 1960s charm and a pool with a sandy landscape in the garden. The green-lit bar made of natural stone is impressive.

If you don't feel like going to a disco or club, you can simply make yourself comfortable in one of the numerous pubs in the area.

Classical concerts, theater and opera

Classical Concerts, Theater and Opera

Vienna's reputation as a theater city precedes it, and the city is also known for its classical concerts.

The Vienna State Opera is world famous and offers an extensive program of opera performances, classical ballet and theatre. The New Year's concert of the Vienna Philharmonic takes place here, as does the Vienna Opera Ball.

The concerts in Schönbrunn Palace are very popular.

There are also numerous other stages that offer a program that is as demanding as it is varied.

Beware of Tourist Traps!

Vienna can boast of being one of the few large cities where there are no frequent

tourist traps exist.

The Fiaker, the horse-drawn carriages, are perhaps a bit expensive and in front of the opera people in Mozart costumes try to sell concert tickets. One should be careful here, since these are mostly tickets for some backyard theater.

As a tourist in Vienna you can feel completely at home and you hardly have to fear tourist traps.

Nightlife Tickets

Experiences the Night

From Concerts to Pub Crawls. Discover the nightlife of Vienna along with groups, book individual tickets and reserve entrance to theaters.

Tours and Tickets