There are very few parking spaces for so many sights in Vienna.
So that you can still easily find a spot, we have created the following overview for Park and Ride facilities.
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Park and Ride Parking Lots (Open 24 Hours)

On the outskirts of Vienna there are Park & Ride facilities that are open 24 hours a day.
You are connected to all districts of Vienna by public transport.
These Include the Following:
- 3rd District: Erdberg (U3)
- 9th District: Spittelau (U4/U6)
- 14th District: Hütteldorf (U4) (end of Westautobahn, coming from Salzburg and Germany)
- 16th District: Ottakring (U3)
- 21st District: Aderklaaer Strasse (U1)
- 21st District: Leopoldau (U1)
- 22nd District: Donaustadt Bridge (U2)
- 23rd District: Siebenhirten (U6)
- 23rd District: Liesing (S1)
- 23rd District: Perfektastraße (U6)
Parking Garages in the City Center (Open 24 Hours)
There are paid multi-story garages all over the city, many of which are near train stations, tourist attractions or shopping centers. Prices start at 2.00 euros per hour and can go up to 4.80 euros per hour.
These parking garages in the city center are open 24 hours:
- 1st District: Freyung
- 1st District: Weihburggasse
- 1st District: Am Morzinplatz (Franz-Josefs-Kai)
- 1st District: City Hall Park (Ring / Stadiongasse)
- 1st District: Operngarage (Kärntner Straße 51)
- 1st District: Am Hof
- 1st District: Beethovenplatz 3
- 1st District: Cobdengasse 2
- 3rd District: Landstrasser Hauptstrasse / Seidlgasse
- 4th District: Südbahnhof (Wiedner Guertel)
- 5th District: Am Hundsturm 1
- 6th District: Windmühlgasse 22 – 24
- 7th District: Stiftgasse 5 - 9
- 8th District: Trautsongasse 4
- 9th District: Währinger Gurtel 18 - 20
- 15th District: Westbahnhof (Felberstraße)
- 20th District: Wehlistraße 23
Map with More Parking Garages
Cost of Park and Ride in Vienna
- Hourly Ticket: from 1.20 euros
- Day Ticket: from 3.60 euros
- Week Ticket: from 18.30 euros
- Monthly Ticket: from 67.90 euros
The exact prices depend on the chosen parking garage in Vienna.
Tickets for Public Transport

The "1 trip VIENNA " single ticket is valid for any length of journey in one direction after validation and costs around 2.60 euros. You can change trains as often as you like, but you must not interrupt the journey.
A ticket for 24, 48 or 72 hours can be used for exactly the specified number of hours after validation.
The Vienna City Card network ticket, which is also valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours, offers not only the use of public transport, but also reduced admission to museums and sights, theaters and concerts, shopping, cafés, restaurants and Heurigen. Parking is also discounted with the Vienna City Card.
There is more in our overview of public transport in Vienna.
Short-Term Parking Zones in Vienna
There are comprehensive short-term parking zones in 19 districts of Vienna. There the parking time is limited, you have to pay for parking and need a parking ticket (from 1.10 euros per half hour) or a parking sticker issued by the city, but this only applies to residents of the respective district.
Parking in the short-term parking zones is usually free on weekends.
Please check the traffic signs on site carefully.
Parking Ticket Sales
A parking ticket can be purchased at tobacco shops, petrol stations, cigarette vending machines, post offices, ticket machines in all Vienna underground stations as well as at the city's main cash desk and all city cash desks.
Some shops and hotels also sell parking tickets.
Parking Ticket Validation
The purchased parking ticket must be validated by filling out the month, day, hour, minute and year sections and must be stuck inside behind the windscreen in a clearly visible place.
If you mistakenly fill in the parking ticket incorrectly, you must throw it away. Correction is not allowed.
Useful Apps
Mobile phone apps such as Park Now and find the next free parking space, show you how to get there using real navigation and inform you in advance about the costs.
In many cases, payment by mobile phone is also possible, for example with the easypark app.
Free Parking
Parking is free of charge outside the short-term parking zones.
Since the short-term parking zones apply during the day, it is possible to park for free during the night from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. and on weekends around the clock. However, be sure to observe the regulations for Saturday parking on the main and commercial streets.
In addition, free parking is possible in the 13th and 21st to 23rd districts.
More Garages in Vienna
APCOA PARKING Austria GmbH and WIPARK Garagen GmbH, founded in 1960, are other garage operators in Vienna.
The locations of the parking spaces can be found on the relevant websites or mobile phone app.
If your car has been towed away, you can call the police information center at +43 1 760 43 for information.
Towing fees start at 270.00 euros.